
The licensing system for Si47ash Fonts (aka 47fonts) is pretty simple and straightforward. For all personal and commercial uses you can stick to the Standard License (Desktop). For different types of work and media or more users using the fonts, you are going to need to choose your preferred license. Here there are:

  • Desktop (Default Price)
    +20% For Any Additional User
  • Web (Default Price)
    10,000 Pageviews Per Month
  • Digital Ad / Email (Default Price)
    1,000,000 Impressions
  • Electronic Doc (x2 Default Price)
    +90% For Any Additional Title
  • App (x15 Default Price)
    +90% For Any Additional Title
  • Server (x25 Default Price)

When you are satisfied with your choice of Licenses and/or Users, please let me know so I’ll be able to provide the final price.